Thursday, May 20, 2010
MAY 20: Draw Muhammed Day
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These Mohammed smileys or emoticons are called 'Mocons' or 'Frowneys'.
Mocons aka Frowneys are the most efficient way to digitally propagate the maximum amount of Mohammed imagery per byte.
Muhammad (((:~{>
Muhammad playing Little Orphan Annie (((8~{>
Muhammad as a pirate (((P~{>
Muhammad as Moshe Dayan (((P~{>
Muhammad on a bad turban day ))):~{>
Muhammad with sand in his eye(((;~{>
Muhammad wearing sunglasses (((B~{>
Muhammad giving the raspberry. (((:~{>
Giving Muhammad the raspberry. ;-P
Mohammad with a lit bomb in his turban *-O)):~{>
Mohammad with a lit bomb in his turban *~@:~{>
Mohammed, full of booze and pork, pukes up Allah (((:~Oالله
Intoxicated Mohammed (((‡o{Þ
High Mohammed ((( ¦o) >
The devil Mohammed ]:~{>
Sombrero Mohommed ⊂∫≡(:~{>>
Mohammed with a bomb in his turban. *@(((:~{>>
Mohammed with a nuclear bomb in his turban. @=(((:~{>
Carmen Miranda Mohammed ڨڭڿۺ((:~{>
Muhammed without beard O:-|
Muhammed without beard; or Jesus O:-)
Muhammed having a vision) O8-)
Muhammed with goatee) O:-)*
Muhammad pissed off that his favourite goat ran away (((B-|>
Muhammad being shot by Starship Enterprise =-o * * * (((:~{>
Mohammed with a lit fuse coming out of his turban *-(((:~{>
Mohammed on a *really* bad turban day )8(:~{>
Muhammad sees a Danish cartoonist !((((8~{o>
Muhammad turns Christian (((+:~{>
Muhammad imitates Charles Manson ((((x8~{>
Muhammad wears his Johnny Carson "Great Carsoni" turban (((0))):~{>
Muhammad after going quail hunting with Dick Cheney (:(:(:((8~>:::::::::::::
Saudi Arabian/oil shiek version of Muhammad (($$(((:~{>
Muhammad wearing his personalized designer turban (((MOE)));~{>
Muhammad wearing his "elevator" turban ((((((((((((((;~{>
Osama bin Laden dressed up as Muhammad on Halloween (((:~{>
The Border of Broken Dreams
Edited by Laura Berlinsky-Schine
Spain - El Pais - Original Article (Spanish)
Efrain is 27 years old, with lacerated feet and empty pockets. He was born in Puebla in central Mexico, and ever since he was a boy, he has been bending down to harvest tomatoes, onions, or whatever else the boss was growing. His dream was to save the $1,200 he needed to immigrate illegally to the United States. Last Friday, he finally managed to walk on American soil, but only for a few hours. The border patrol spotted him in the desert across from El Sasabe, when he had almost managed to make the crossing from Sonora into Arizona. "They were chasing me all night, until my feet gave out on me," he said. Efrain was detained, put on a bus, and sent back to Mexico via the Nogales border.
Now he is back in Altar, a small Sonoran town converted into a kind of emigration theme park. Every day waves of youngsters arrive from Mexico and Central America looking for "coyotes," who in exchange for a sum of money, will bring them across the El Sasabe desert into the United States. "Back in Puebla," Efrain explains: "everybody talked about Altar, but when I arrived I couldn't believe how out in the open everything was " It is certainly striking how the life of the town revolves around the lucrative business known as emigration illegal immigration.
There are dozens of boarding houses, and dozens of foreign exchange houses. There are dozens of stores around the plaza with merchandise dedicated exclusively to the needs of the migrants: back-packs, blankets for the cold desert nights, thick socks, flashlights, bandages, canteens, toilet paper. Everyone knows that the trucks with the signs "Specialized public passage transport service" are dedicated to carrying migrants to the desert, in groups of 30 or 40, lying on top of one another. There are more than 200 vans and they are numbered by the municipal government.
Efrain had to pay 1,000 pesos, about $70, to be carried to the desert. That included the payment to the local mafia that controls the road, but not the payment for the "coyote" or "pollero." This according to one of the van owners, who makes no attempt to be discrete, and is parked next to the church. The reporter asks him how much it would cost to cross over to the El Sasabe desert.
"I would charge you 1,000 pesos, but most of it is not for me, it's so that the mafia will let me pass," he says. "But you're not Mexican, are you?"
"No, I'm Spanish" the reporter tells him. "But I want to go with my El Salvadorian friends who are crossing."
"El Salvadorian? We charge them more. 1,500 pesos."
"Why is that?"
"Those are the rules. The mafia makes them, not me."
"Does that include the coyote's cut?"
"No, man, no. [The driver has a good laugh, which seems to mean, "This guy is an imbecile."] The coyote is separate. You'll have to pay him a lot more. A good coyote will charge you 1,000 pesos to bring you into the United States."
"And where do I get a coyote?"
"Dude, why are you asking me? Look around you. This town is full of coyotes and polleros "
Nothing is secret in Altar. If you pay, you go. If you don't pay, you don't. Six young men from Chiapas tell me their experience. "We tried to cross three days ago. We only had enough to pay for the taxi. They left us in the desert. We waited two days for a chance to cross. Finally two guys showed up with pistols, and made us go back. Obviously things are very well organized there in the gorge. But we didn't have money for coyotes. So we're going back to Chiapas."
Massacre In Thailand: Obama’s Bloody Hands
Homelessness By Any Other Name ...
In the ongoing effort to address social problems primarily by talking about them rather than doing anything concrete, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is proposing a set of new definitions of homelessness in order to determine who will be eligible for HUD-funded homeless assistance programs. The proposed changes are in a "public comment" period through June 21, 2010, after which time they will take effect in substantially the proposed form. While this will affect access to certain services, the overall impact is more subtle, and the task of ending homelessness is still in need of much more than simple redefinitions.
Well, it's not all for naught, actually. As blogger David Henderson observed back in March, "If we are to end homelessness, we have to agree on what homelessness means, and how we measure it." In a subsequent piece, it was noted how egregiously HUD undercounts the homeless, potentially leaving multitudes quite literally out in the cold. Most significantly, the proposed new definitions appear to omit people without dependent children who are living in unstable situations, and furthermore extend the time of a required stay in an institution providing temporary residence from 30 to 90 days.
While these changes leave much to be desired, they will at least bring HUD into closer alignment with other agencies' definitions including the overarching Federal Definition of Homelessness that codes a "homeless person" as "an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence," or "who has a primary nighttime residence" that is either "a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter;" "an institution that provides a temporary residence;" or "a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings." Essentially the federal standard encompasses anyone lacking a stable nighttime residence to which they are allowed to retreat without permission or exception.
In this light, the critical factor becomes housing, primarily its affordability and its fitness for human habitation.
Mark of the Beast: Obama’s latest Monsanto pick, Elena Kagan
First, we spit out our coffee over President Obama's appointments of former Monsanto goon Michael Taylor as Food Safety [sic] Czar and 'biotech governor of the year' Tom Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture. Then we choked on our grits when he made Monsanto lobbyist, Islam Siddiqui, the US Ag Trade Representative. Now, the real food movement has completely lost its appetite with Obama's nomination of Monsanto defender, Elena Kagan, to the US Supreme Court.
In December 2009, in her capacity as Solicitor General, Kagan intervened in the first case on which SCOTUS will rule involving genetically modified crops, Monsanto v Geertson Seed. She defended Monsanto's fight to contaminate the environment with its GM alfalfa, not the American people's right to safe feed and a protected environment.
The lower court ruled that "contamination of organic and conventional alfalfa crops with the genetically engineered gene has occurred and defendants acknowledge as much. Such contamination is irreparable environmental harm."
That other fields, not those of Geertson Seed, et al., had been contaminated does not bother Kagan. "The district court failed to find either that respondents had suffered or were likely to suffer irreparable harm…"
This flies in the face of reality. The biotech industry has admitted it cannot prevent contamination of natural fields. When Bayer CropScience contaminated nearly a third of the US rice supply with its GM version, its defense lawyers told jurors that "Bayer's containment protocols were equal to or exceeded industry standards when the test rice escaped into the general supplies."
If the best containment protocols don't work, then contamination cannot be prevented. That is clearly an indication that natural crop farmers are "likely to suffer irreparable harm."
Geertson Seed explains some basic facts about alfalfa and GM contamination:
"Alfalfa is not just a prolific field crop, but feral alfalfa and weedy alfalfa is commonly found beyond the fields by roadways, irrigation canals, backyards and beyond….
"Contamination of conventional alfalfa from genetically engineered alfalfa is a major concern. The primary mode of contamination is from the movement of pollen by bees from plant to plant. Alfalfa is pollinated by many different bees and other insects that fly long distances. Sudden wind gusts like those associated with summer thunder storms can carry pollinators over greater distances. When a pollinator visits an alfalfa plant that has the Roundup Ready (RR) gene inserted, it will pick up the pollen that contains the RR gene and carry it to a distant conventional alfalfa plant. If that pollen fertilizes the blossom of the conventional plant, the resulting seed will contain the RR gene."
This contamination becomes especially important because contaminated alfalfa will continue to sprout for years: "The seed produced by alfalfa can have 50% or more dormant seed [which] can lay dormant in the soil for many years."
Glyphosate is one of the most toxic herbicides in use today. Monsanto's trade name for it is Roundup. Geertson Seed explains that:
"Roundup Ready alfalfa will have a selective advantage over non GE alfalfa and will become the dominant weed variety. In turn, the weedy Roundup Ready alfalfa will be difficult to kill and will become a source of pollen and seed that will contaminate other feral plants and conventional alfalfa seed fields in the area. In a few years, it will be extremely difficult to avoid contamination from GE alfalfa."
Worse, researchers at the University of Caen found that Monsanto's particular formulations of glyphosate in Roundup "actually amplified glyphosate's toxic effects," which include human cell death.
Kagan seems to believe that the biotech industry's inability to prevent contamination is not an issue for farmers, the environment or we the people. Her repugnance toward our human right to reject the deployment of genetically engineered crops comports with corporate views.
She earns the M on her forehead, joining Justice Clarence Thomas, a former Monsanto lawyer who corruptly refused to recuse himself from Monsanto v Geertson Seed.
The Republicans' Tea Party Problem
The Republican reaction to Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination was striking not for what it said about Kagan, but for how it illustrated whom the party is talking to these days. The GOP lines of attack included a curious denunciation of her having approvingly quoted Justice Thurgood Marshall to the effect that the Constitution as originally drafted was "defective."
Presumably Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele doesn't need to be told that a document that approved of slavery and counted slaves as three-fifths persons was defective. Nor would the framers have taken offense since they included a mechanism for amending the Constitution and immediately used it to add on the Bill of Rights.
But the GOP defense of the Constitution was not about rational, mainstream argument. It was aimed squarely at the hyperpatriotic, kitchen table constitutional scholars who currently reside in the activated portion of the GOP base. This is the Tea Party movement and, more broadly, the conservative outrage coalition that yearns to "take back" our country in a way that often has a distinctly antebellum view of states' rights.
Parties and politicians must cater to their base voters. But the urgency with which the GOP is doing it makes it look like a party with a perpetual primary-race mentality. The establishment, haunted by the specter of a Tea Party-driven urge to purge, seems to continually need to demonstrate its worthiness. But even primary candidates eventually have to tack back to the center to win general elections. The problem for Republicans is that Tea Party petulance and ideological certitude could keep the party on the fringe.
Consider An Embargo On World Imports
Fixing A Broken Economy
By James Donahue
In reading all of the reports of global efforts for heading off fears of a world-wide depression we remember that someone in Washington . . . it may have been President Bush . . . once assured us that the U.S. would not stop imports of goods from overseas.
The comment started us thinking about all of the world trade agreements our country has made and how it might be difficult, if not impossible to consider turning off the spigot on imported products. And while on that line of thinking, it struck us that a federal embargo on imports might just be what our nation needs to fix a lot of things that have gone wrong. It appears that we have been set up for everything that has happened to us.
Imagine what a difference it would make if America could or would stop ALL goods from other countries, even the things manufactured by U.S. companies that moved to Mexico, China, Indonesia and other places to exploit poverty stricken areas that supply cheap non-union labor.
Along with this embargo our government should prohibit all financial dealings that make it possible for big corporations to operate out of obscure places like the Cayman Islands, a British Territory in the Caribbean that has become a popular tax haven. Most of all, there should be a prohibition against the United States borrowing any more money from other countries, or selling government-owned lands, buildings and bridges owners abroad.
We also suggest shutting down our wars in other lands and bringing our troops home to reinforce the blockade of our ports, major airports and borders, to make sure nothing sneaks into a black market.
Knowing how big business interests control Washington these days, we know that this is all a hypothetical scenario. But if it could be done, here is what we think would happen:
American stores would quickly run out of imported items. Since most of the stuff we think we must have to make our lives more enjoyable . . . new televisions, computers, stereos, cell phones, cameras, sewing machines, shoes, clothes and Japanese and European manufactured automobiles . . .would be unavailable. We would be forced to use the old things we already have or go without. You might be amazed at the things that would be missing from our store shelves.
Is that a bad thing? Indeed, going without certain food items like coffee, bananas, dates and spices will be a severe sacrifice for many of us, but it won't kill us. American farmers still produce enough food to feed our people. And if people overseas get hungry enough, they will probably allow us to export excess foods.
Another critical loss would be oil. We would be forced to scale down our use of oil produced at home, pay extremely high prices for fuel, and get serious in our research to find alternative energy sources to heat our homes and alternative ways to get to work.
Placing our troops at the borders and in our ports and airports where overseas flights land would not only help solve the so-called immigration problem but put a quick end to a large part of the nation's drug trafficking . . . at least stop the import of cocaine and heroin. Of course this would also make importing certain medicines like pain-killing drugs like morphine, manufactured from the poppy flowers that produce heroin, a thing of the past. We would have to rely on synthetic chemicals and, we might suggest, marijuana, to replace them.
Blog Archive
May 20
- White Middle Class Suburban Man
- MAY 20: Draw Muhammed Day
- The Border of Broken Dreams
- Massacre In Thailand: Obama’s Bloody Hands
- Homelessness By Any Other Name ...
- Mark of the Beast: Obama’s latest Monsanto pick, E...
- The Republicans' Tea Party Problem
- Consider An Embargo On World Imports
- Financial panel
May 20
- ► 2009 (3416)