Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We Got Your Lotus Position Right Here

Wittenburg Door
by John Bloom


The Dalai Lama is getting dissed everywhere he goes now. He had a big rally at the Brandenburg Gate, but the Germans were obviously not pleased that he was in the country. When he spent 11 days traipsing around England, nobody answered the door at 10 Downing Street. Meanwhile, those inscrutable Chinese cut off access to Mount Kailash in the Himalayas, where thousands of Hindus journey every summer to get close to Lord Shiva. Somebody should brief the Politburo: he's a Buddhist, not a Hindu. Don't be mean when you tell them, though. China demanded an apology from CNN when a commentator said after the Tibet riots that China's leadership is "basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years." Here's the punch line, though: CNN apologized! Here's the better punch line: when China said the apology was insufficient, CNN apologized again with a better apology! CNN's president is named Jim Walton, and Jim apparently didn't play enough dodgeball in junior high.

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