Wednesday, November 26, 2008

America's Farewell Letter to George W. Bush

'From Merica to George'

On Looking Back and Connecting the Dots

by Loren Adams 

To my unfaithful husband, George:

Guess what? I was clearing coat pockets before taking your suit to the cleaners the other day and found that little letter you wrote six years ago to Tony. Yeah, that one. You know, where you explained you had to pull the wool over my eyes in order to arrange a little tryst on the side. You Jerk!

You wrote Tony, "I've got to fix the intelligence around the policy so Merica doesn't find out my true intent to screw Erica to grab her inheritance -- Gotta make it look like Erica was the one who seduced me, not the other way around, in case Merica finds out."

You cheating, conniving, lying son of a bitch!

I trusted you. After the accident September 11, the kids and I put complete confidence in you. All the neighbors rushed to our side.

But what did you do with that good will?

You cheated! You schemed! You squandered our savings and threw us into bankruptcy!

Looking back, I now know what you were up to, George. It took my discovering that little letter to open my eyes to the bigger picture. Now I see how you are, you lying piece of s--t!

September 11 was no accident, was it? Weren't you in business 30 years before with the guy who crashed into us? What's his name -- Ben Ladyman? What a strange coincidence he would happen to be driving recklessly in a part of town not his own. How much did you collect from the insurance policy?

Who profited? Only you, of course. And then you had the nerve to call it "My trifecta," remember? For a brief moment I was puzzled why you described that awful accident as "MY TRIFECTA." But even then I foolishly went back to believing you because we were in such deep crisis. In hindsight, you had no concern for our security -- only for your own and how the incident would benefit you personally. Maybe I should call the insurance company to report fraud.

There were little hints along the way, but I was so naive -- too blinded by trust. And you used religion to cover your evil ways like a pedophile priest hiding an insatiable raunchy appetite. You claimed to be "born-again," but it was more like "porn-again" -- given you cursed like a sailor and fornicated with everyone in sight. You damned hypocrite!

BE WARNED: Now those obscure hints of past misdeeds are resurfacing and I'm connecting the dots.

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